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Rhino Chase Incidents in Manas National Park

By  24/03/24

Since January 2024, one rhinoceros chased visitors' vehicles in Manas National Park, totaling 10 such incidents. These highlight the heightened concern surrounding Rhino Chase Incidents in the park.

Jubin Garg Targeted: 

Daily rhinoceros attacks have been reported in Manas National Park since January, including one targeting Assamese singer Jubin Garg on January 4th, 2024.

Aggressive Lone Rhino:

The only single angry rhinoceros has been behaving aggressively like this for the past two years. This is occurring in the Lotasa Kanchanbari area of Manas National Park.

Unravelling the Causes:

The Range Officer attributes rhino car aggression to weather, food scarcity and territorial behavior. Stress from visitors and hormones can trigger it. It's typically territorial, not threatening. Aggression peaks during mating.

Addressing Visitor Safety:


Park authorities issue safety guidelines for visitors, advising attire in muted colors like black to minimize risks. Avoid bright colors like red or yellow, easily spotted from a distance.

Forest staff note rhinos' aggression during mating, targeting vehicles and individuals to assert dominance. Rising animal population leads to more attacks. Visitors urged to wear muted colors, avoid crowds, and approach animals quietly.

Gypsy Safari pilot notes recent rhino chases tied to red/yellow attire. Recommends darker colors, less crowding.  Also urges visitors from throwing water bottles at animals when chased.

Addressing Visitor Safety:


Forest personnel urged influencers to avoid spreading fear-inducing misinformation about rhinoceros attacks. They emphasized raising awareness about safety measures and the root causes of incidents. Rhinos, being wild animals, may chase intruders, as seen in Kaziranga National Park.

The Role of Social Media :



With its rich flora and fauna, including endangered species like Indian rhinoceroses and golden langurs, Manas National Park remains a UNESCO World Heritage Site

A Sanctuary of Biodiversity

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A Timeline of Conservation:


From its origins as a reserve forest since 1905

to its designation as a national park in 1990



and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985, Manas National Park boasts a storied history spanning over 110 years.

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Green Leaf

Flora, Fauna, and Avifauna:

The park's diverse ecosystem supports a wide array of plant and animal species, making it a hotspot for biodiversity conservation and research.

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Green Leaf

This web story explores the recent rise in rhinoceros aggression in Manas National Park, while also spotlighting its significance as a biodiversity hotspot and conservation success.

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